Psychology The Final Un’ ad
I have attached my Un’ ad that I created and I also have attached the example that was provided on how to do the actual Un’ ad. I need you to use the actual ad that I have attached below and make the Un’ ad better than what I did and touch each aspect of the Un’ ad requirements. The directions are in the example of how to do the Un’ad and I have also attached the actual questions of A-H. The main focus is focusing on PowerPoint D and E. The actual ad that I used is below.These are the questions: The main focus is question D an E read the example to understand more clearly.a) What product or service is the ad selling?b) What deep need or desire is the ad appealing to? (In other words, does the ad appeal to your desire to have love, friends, esteem, power, happiness, wealth, beauty, joy, etc.?)c) Who is the intended audience, and what do you suppose their reaction to the ad might be? Name and describe the specific classes, races, body types, group(s), etc.d) Who is disregarded (or negatively referenced [real or implied]) by the ad? Name and describe the specific classes, races, body types, group(s), etc.e) What suffering, exploitation, or destruction is hidden from view? Here, the reference is toward the ad or the company promoting the ad. Be specific. (You might have to do some research on this one.)f) How does the ad affect your personal desires, self image, beliefs, and consumer choices?g) What would life (really) be like without the product or service that the ad is selling? What would life be like without the larger industry that facilitates that business?h) Step Three: Now that you’ve done the exercise, do you perceive your favorite advertisement in a different light ? Why or why not? Be specific.