Psychology PSYC 2301
This is the list of book from which you must choose. The textbookCANNOTbe used as a book report. Your paper must be in either MLA or APA format, and 1500 words in length (not including headers and work cited) – double spaced. Your paper must be submitted using the submission link for the book report. It must be in “word format”. NO GOOGLE docs. You may not use a previously handed in paper from another time you took this class. That will result in a zero for the paper.Please reference any work cited. The book report is to be 1500 words in length, double spaced, using MLA or APA format. If you need help with your report, please contact the NLC writing center.To submit your paper – please attach your paper in a “word” format.Do not cut and paste. Do not plagiarize!That will be a zero. Also, no papers previously submitted will be accepted. That will also result in a zero.The book report needs to include a brief overview of the content of the book, plus your reflection on the material. Also,why is this book important to the field of psychology? Where does this book fit in the area of psychological study?
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