Read the case study of “Jack” located in the Topic 4 materials and provide the appropriate DSM-5 diagnoses in descending order, from the dominant, to the least dominant. For each diagnosis you assign, provide an explanation of the diagnostic criteria you assessed to be compelling, as found in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria monograph for each disorder.Case Study: JackJack, apleasant67-year-old gentlemanandhis wife Jill, age63, are referred toyour outpatientcounseling practice by their familyphysician. Referral information identifiesdifficultiescopingwith issuespertainingto their stage in life.Bothretired, Jill was previously employed as aschoolteacher for35 years until the ageof 60 whenshe stopped workingtohelp her husbandJack, who underwent bilateral knee replacement surgeries. Jackworkedas anaccountant for alocal firm and even thoughhewantedto continueto workwellinto his60s,he retired becausethe recuperation fromhisknee replacement surgeriesprovedtobemoreextensive thananticipated.During the first session, you assess thatJilldoesmost of the talking,often answeringquestionsdirected at Jack. MostofJack’s responsesareshort, closed-ended remarks,or just shrugs,followed by charming smiles. It is evident thatthe couple has been struggling for some time withthe drastic change in their roles from high functioning professionals tothe roleofcaregiverforJill andpatientforJack. At this time, you focus your assessment on Jack andascertain that therewere noticeable changes to his mood as earlyasfour years ago. Jill describes that approximatelyone year prior to his retirement, Jack’smood became persistentlygrumpy—which for him wasasignificant changefrom the happy, energetic, optimistic individual hehad been mostof his life.At that time, Jillfearedthat Jack haddifficulties coping withthe thought of retirement and triedto be supportive. Duringthat year, he gradually lost approximately 10 pounds and wasprescribeda sleeping aid in order to help him get his customary six hours of sleep pernight.Always active and anavidgolfer, Jackdecidedto take a medical leavefromwork 3 years agoinorder to get “newtitaniumknees.” His knees hadbeen getting worseprogressivelyoverthe past10 years and the impairmentbecameincreasingly bothersome. While thesurgery wassuccessful,Jack’s recuperation took longerthan expected. Medically, he metall the rehabilitative markers,but thistook considerableeffort. At the skilled nursing facility it soon becameevident thatJack’sschedule had to be dividedin small, achievable increments. Normaltasks requiringlongeramounts oftime to complete. At this time he started to becomeforgetful, exhibitingdifficultiesrecalling recent events or activitiesscheduledforhis physical rehabilitation. He was visiblyfrustrated by this occurrence which hedescribed as having a“fuzzy headinthe morning.” Heattributed this to hispainmedications. To compensate, Jack started to carry asmall notebook inthe front pocket of his shirt. He humorously referred toit as hisdetectivenotebook. During thistime Jill noticed asubtlebut steady change in his overall attitudeandpersonality.Jackwasbecoming more and more apathetic, exhibiting decreased affection and empathy towards Jill, andincreased frustration with himself and his caregivers when he could not readilythink of awordor when he had difficulties recalling a fact or situation. After his discharge fromtheskillednursing facility, during a routine visit, the familyphysician completed a mini mental statusexam.At that time, Jack became frustrated with hisinability to recall the three random objects namedby hisdoctor. Jill started tocry, reportingto thefamilydoctorthe ordeal she hadundergonesince Jack’s surgery andall the tasks she had to assume on his behalf (likepaying bills), taskswhich he could no longerperform reliably.She expressedconcernedover howtheirlife will look Like now that hehasreturned home, raisingquestions about her ability totake over allthe tasksthat he waspreviously attendingto. Thecouple’sdistress wasclinicallysignificantas to warranta referral to you

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