Psychology  Case Conceptualization Project PART III

Each group will decide on a selected theoretical (COGNITIVE THEORY) approach to your client’s case and create ONE voice narrated Power Point presentation. The presentation will discuss therapeutic strategies as well as demonstrate an intervention or assessment that implements the practice of a theory.Slides should cover the following:• Brief description of the theory selected (COGNITIVE THEORY)• The theory’s major tenets and effectiveness• A brief literature review supporting the selected theory particularly and the importance and relationship to the assessment. (Students are required to report on at least 3 current periodicals to support material.)• Relevant information that discusses your chosen theory and the practice of such theory.I AM ONLY REQUIRED TO DO 4 OF THE SLIDES FOR THE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION AND MY CLASSMATE WILL DO THE OTHER 4. LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS YOU CAN WHAT REFERENCES YOU WILL USE AND REMEMBER THEY NEED TO BE PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES.

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