
This is a two part assignment – explain the job aid you created and then show the actual job aid you developed.

Start the paper by explaining the following:

  • How the job aid will be used – for what specific job or task…
  • How will changes be made to the job aid as needed and how will employees know there have been changes? ?
  • Analyze if any technology will be utilized with you job aid.
  • Summarize what the outcomes will be when using a job aid.

The create a job aid using one of the topics below. This is a job aid you will develop and not one that already exists. The point is to demonstrate you can develop job aids.

# Purchase a product from a vending machine that has many selections.

# Make a complete turkey dinner that includes a vegetable and mashed potatoes.

# Change the oil and filter by yourself in a car.

# Connect a computer to the internet from a location that it is not already connected to.

# Use your mobile device(cell phone) on an automated Teller machine (ATM) to obtain cash from your checking account.

# build a table from wood that includes one drawer.

# Do three loads of wash at a laundramat (wash and dry). You only have on washer and dryer to use.

Remember this should help someone with no idea of how to do the task be able to complete it.

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