homework assignment 83

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Read the following article: Kevin Durant, Will Smith Top the Lineup for a New Venture-Capital Fund for Black Investors. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

What does this article suggest about the availability of venture capital available to black or other minority entrepreneurs. Should venture capital firms be concerned about social issues such as race or should they simply focus on making the largest returns possible?

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safety management implementation plan

Safety Management System (SMS) Implementation

(Safety and Health Action Plan)

Using the Plan-Do-Can-Act (PDCA) model we have discussed, you will develop a safety and health implementation plan. The plan will be compiled in phases during the next four units. In Unit VII, you will reference this information to develop a PowerPoint presentation, which will serve as your course project.

In this assignment, you are in the planning (P) phase of the implementation. You will develop a safety management implementation plan, which will include a safety and health policy statement.

Continuing with the scenario introduced in Unit II (review Unit II PowerPoint assignment in the syllabus), you have just received notice from upper management that they are ready to move forward with the implementation of a safety management system. As the safety expert at the company, you have been tasked with leading the development and implementation process. As you are in the initial phase of your project, you recognize the importance of compiling an implementation plan. Using the information you have covered in Units I, II, and III and the supplemental documentation, prepare an action plan for your safety management system.

Your plan should include the following elements:

  • a written safety and health policy statement,
  • three clearly defined occupational safety and health (OSH) objectives,
  • performance criteria roles and responsibilities (i.e., what is to be done, by whom, and when), and
  • the strategies on how measurement criteria for confirming the objectives are achieved.

Your action plan should be two to three pages. Be sure to use at least one additional scholarly source (such as an academic article from the CSU Online Library and/or a government safety source such as OSHA) besides your textbook as a reference for your assignment. All sources must be cited and referenced according to APA standards. Be creative!

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advantages and disadvantages of mainstreaming and full inclusion

At some point, all elementary school teachers encounter students with learning or behavioral disorders. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mainstreaming and full inclusion for children with learning or behavioral disorders, their peers, and their teachers? ( essay questions)

How might biological and environmental factors combine to affect the physical growth of children adopted from developing countries? Justify your answer with examples and reasoning. ( essay questions)

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issc431 assignment 4

In order to complete assignment #6 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #6). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of one (1) full page in length with a minimum of two (2) outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Sunday.

Discuss the impact of SQL injections.

Assignment Rubric (100 Points)

Sythesis of Concepts 60
Writing Standards – APA Format 20
Timeliness 20

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business case study 27


Choose one of the following companies:

  • Amazon,
  • Apple,
  • McDonald’s,
  • Tesla,
  • Facebook,
  • Walmart, or
  • Target.

Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Be sure to include some information about how much it has grown and why this growth has occurred. Then, develop and elaborate your own theories as to how boundaries and framing may have affected some of the decisions that led the company to where it is today. Be sure to include the following elements in your case study:

  • how bounded awareness can improve the decision-making process,
  • at least one example of boundaries exhibited by the company, and
  • at least one example of framing concerning the company.

Your case study should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Please include the following three headers in your case study: Introduction and History of the Company, Example of Boundaries, and Example of Framing. You must include at least two academic references to support your work (the textbook may be one of those references). Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

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answer 3 questions 22

Formatting is: 1” margins all around, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. No headers, extra spaces between paragraphs – none of the little tricks that take up space.

One and a half page for each question and total of 5 pages.

Question 1:

Nevada has a unique rule that affords SOME employees overtime on a daily basis, which is an additional benefit to the federal and state rule that hourly, non-exempt, employees are entitled to overtime for each hour over 40 in a workweek. First, tell me which employees are entitled to daily overtime. Be specific! Then, tell me in your own words how the daily overtime rule works. This is something I asked you to research.

Question 2:

“Exempt” employees are not entitled to a minimum wage or overtime under federal and state law. First, in your own words, identify the three requirements that must be met for an employer to classify an employee as “exempt.” Then, do some research into “misclassification.” Sometimes, employers misclassify intentionally and sometimes they do so mistakenly. Explain the common motive employers have when they misclassify intentionally and the common mistake employers make when they misclassify mistakenly. Finally, what penalties might an employer face for misclassification?

Question 3:

Many hospitality employees in Nevada are asked by their employers to be “on-call” for work, meaning there is no guarantee of work, only the possibility of work if the employer calls. There is legitimate debate about whether employees should be compensated for being on “on-call” whether they get called into work or not. Do some research into the debate. Then, tell me what factors a court may consider when faced with the argument that an employer should pay employees who are “on-call.” What factors weigh against paying for “on-call” time? What is your opinion on the subject?

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research paradigm 2

Discuss What The pragmatic paradigm paradigm of research entails.

Only 1 paragraph no citations needed.

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music and dance toolbox

WEEK 3 DISCUSSION 3.1: Music and Dance ToolboxDiscussion Topic

After looking through all of the materials in the Week 3 Course Contents (Melody and Rhythm videos, lecture on dynamics, Music Basics video, dance intro/videos, dance fundamentals videos, etc) please use the information in them, without relying on any outside resources, to address the questions below. Use your own words. Do not cut and paste from sources. Make sure to cite all of the learning resources you use in your answer.

Your post should be at least 150 words long.

  1. List and describe three concepts, terms, techniques or methods that can be used to examine and interpret, create or analyze music and dance.

You will not see any other postings until you post your own. Do not edit posts. If you wish to add or change material, do so in a response to your initial post.

Initial discussion posts are due by Thursday at 11:30PM ET. You are not required to but are welcome to respond to other postings. You will also be working on Discussion 3.2 this week. Discussion will lock shortly after due date/time.

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o describe the environment the organization and the department or program within the organization that is the basis for your project

The course project requires you to create a quality management plan. To do this, you will:

  • Identify various aspects of a quality management plan in a healthcare organization.
  • Apply various processes and tools to enhance quality in a healthcare setting. Seek additional resources from http://www.leanproduction.com/index.html.
  • Identify workflow processes in a healthcare setting.
  • Identify quality parameters in a healthcare setting.
  • Examine the effectiveness of a quality management plan in a given healthcare setting.

The project is modeled on the Shewhart Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). You will modify the Shewhart Cycle to make it applicable to your selected healthcare service or program.

Seek additional resources that will help you understand the process being studied as well as planning and quality improvement in general. You can visit the following link for more details on a quality process improvement plan: www.goleansixsigma.com

  • Define: This step describes the importance of the problem within the organization.
  • Measure: This step relates to the impact of the current condition and target goals for improvement.
  • Analyze: This step relates to understanding work flow mapping and the value stream as well as understanding root cause analysis (RCA).
  • Improve: This step identifies improvements to consider in the implementation of change.
  • Control: This step is about sustainability of change.
  • Complete a part of the Plan step of the cycle.
    • Describe the environment, the organization, and the department or program within the organization that is the basis for your project. Describe the selected healthcare setting, specifically its service, staff, equipment, and patients. Identify and describe the scope and nature of the problem.
    • Assess the environment using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Interview some stakeholders, such as managers, staff, or customers. Use the interview information to conduct the SWOT analysis. You may also summarize or quote any important or interesting information gathered during the interview.
    • Select one of the weaknesses determined by the SWOT analysis to create a plan for improvement.

Submission Details:

  • To support your work, use readings. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
  • Address the assignment in an 8- to 10-page document.
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choose any topic

Note the “Master’s Notes” on the second page. Try to solve those problems, as well as any other you notice.

Here are some EXTREME examples of radical recipe redesigns: http://magazine.good.is/slideshows/submission-redesign-the-recipe#0

  • Your grade is based on your participation and engagement in applying tenets of procedural design to redesigning this simple recipe.
  • Make at least 5 major changes to the original draft.

I have set up a Wiki and a Discussion board for your group to use to redesign this material.

The wiki is a shared area for you all to change the original document. Changes one of you make will appear on other members’ copies as well.
The discussion board is a place for you to a) introduce yourself to your group and b) explain briefly the changes you made to the original draft. Hopefully, this will keep you from stepping on each others’ toes.

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