
Respond to the post of at least one other learner. Address the following questions in your response:

  • Do you understand the learner’s description of the chosen methodology and the rationale for using this methodology to design a research study?
  • Are there areas that the learner has missed?
  • Is the learner’s rationale for choosing this methodology clear?
  • Do references from the assigned readings support the choice and rationale?

Daryl Mcghaney





Qualitative methodologies have a baffling number of choices of approaches (Creswell, 2013, p. 7.) According to McGloin (2008), case study research is gaining increasing credibility as a suitable research methodology for healthcare research studies. Case study provides an intensive, in-depth method of enquiry focusing on a real-life single case using a variety of sources of evidence (McGloin, 2008).


The methodology I would consider for a qualitative study would be Case study methodology. According to Savolainen (1996), the author alludes to Robert Stake (1995) publications emphasizing that a case can be approached from two directions. First, Intrinsic case study would be appropriate if one is interested in a case to understand its characteristics in detail, but with no intention of learning about other cases by means of it. Additionally, in this type of case study, the theta is dominant. Second, instrumental case study is where the iota predominates which means the study starts and ends with certain issues (Savolainen, 1996). According to McGloin (2008), the author contends that Stake (1995) provided a more fluid definition, identifying three further types: Intrinsic- where the researcher holds an interest in the case, Instrumental- when the case is used to explain deeper issues, and Collective-studying a group of cases (McGloin, 2008). The goal of case study methods should be to select your case study carefully, and try to spot unrealistic or uninformative case studies as early as possible (Patton, 2015, p. 52). Also, one should try to select a significant or “special” case or cases for your case study so that the more significant your case, the more likely your case study will contribute to the research literature or to improvements in practice (Patton, 2015, p. 52). Some frequent criticism of case study methodology is that its dependence on a single case renders it incapable of providing a generalizing conclusion (Tellis, 1997). Although widely associated with the qualitative paradigm (Yin 1994). the case study provides a flexible approach that can use a variety of methods, enabling it equally to generate quantitative data (McGloin, 2008). While Sandelowski (1995) argues that qualitative and quantitative methods can be combined without compromising the integrity of the research (McGloin, 2008). Vallis and Tierney (2000) believe such an approach can only be justified by the purpose of the study (McGloin, 2008). Finally, to understand the case study approach. Yin (2003) proposed three types of case study that can form the conceptual framework: Exploratory – debates the value of further research, suggesting various hypotheses. Explanatory – explains aspects and causal arguments identified by the descriptive research. Descriptive – describes the phenomenon (McGloin, 2008). Therefore, case study would be the best method to utilized for a qualitative study.


To that end, in case studies, the role of the contextual factors is extremely important. The qualitative researcher emphasizes episodes of nuance, sequentially of happenings in context, and the wholeness of the individual (Savolainen, 1996, p. xii).


Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412995306.

McGloin, S. (2008). The trustworthiness of case study methodology. Nurse Researcher (through 2013), 16(1), 45-55. Retrieved from

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412972123.

Savolainen, R. (1996). The art of case study research stake, robert E. thousand oaks, CA: Sage publications, 1995. 175 pp. $23.50 (paperback). (ISBN 0-8039-5767-X). Library & Information Science Research, 18(3), 291-293. doi:10.1016/S0740-8188(96)90053-5

Tellis, W. M. (1997). Introduction to Case Study. The Qualitative Report, 3(2), 1-14. Retrieved from

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