complete short social scientific discussion

Quick Qualitative Exploration of Themes

Look around your space where you keep your books. Ebooks count, too.

Consider the titles of your books and the genre of books you have.

Begin to categorize the books into groups of classifications.

Then, break that down a bit more and place your types of books into very specific sets/types.

Report your findings.

It might be something like:

Research Books (Quantitative): 2

Research Books (Qualitative): 4

Social Science Textbooks: 12 (juvenile delinquency [2]; social problems, [1]… etc.)

Reference Books: 5 (dictionary [2]; thesaurus [1]; road atlas [1]… etc.) Be careful here that you use ONLY reference books, which have confirmed facts.

Fictional Novels: 20 (mystery [5]; romance [7]; etc…

NonFiction Books: …

The purpose of this exercise is to understand how qualitative data analysis differs from quantitative data analysis.

This is a very, very simple way to begin to understand how to categorize data collected and put it into themes.

In qualitative research we approach data collection and data analysis quite differently than in quantitative data studies.

So, we are using your books as you data sources. Then we begin to sort those data and try to develop categories and themes.


Complete Reading Bad Blood, Chapters 12-14, and discuss three things that made a strong impression on you.

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