2 coments each one 150 words (CITATION AND REFERENCE)

reply1Honestly speaking, the EBP projects as it is now is not the same as it had first played out in my mind. Yes, I intended to do an EBP on addressing nursing shortage and the problem of burnout from the beginning but I quite wasn’t sure how exactly I was going to do that until I stumbled upon an article online about how yoga is efficient in promoting rest, stress reduction and enables one to be more centred. Even if I say bumped on it, I mean I was aggressively searching the web for the effectiveness of meditating and what not. After a series of reading, I concluded that meditating enables one to be more in touch with their emotions and to react a little less to stress and emotional exhaustion. Since this is one of the symptoms of burnout among a majority of professions and feelings of detachment from the job (Poghosyan, Clarke, & Aiken, Nursing Research and Health), I figured I could use mindfulness promoting activities to address burnout among nurses. From research on yoga and burnout, I have discovered that engaging in yoga can help nurses reduce stress, react more differently to stress and find satisfaction in their job (Alexander, Rollins, Walker, Won, & Pennins, 2015). This way, all the negativities associated with burnout including lack of concentration at work and ditching procedures will be resolved.ReferencesAlexander, G., Rollins, K., Walker, D., Won, L., & Pennins, J. (2015). Yoga for self-care and burnout prevention among nurses. Workplace Health and Safety, 7(1), 65-71. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://doi.org.10.1177/2165079915596102Poghosyan, L., Clarke, S., & Aiken, L. (Nursing Research and Health). Nurse burnout and quality of care: Cross national investigation in six countries. 2017, 34(5), 133-141. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://doi.org.10.1002/nur.20383reply2My initial thought when deciding on a Capstone project was to find an intervention that would decrease the high risk for readmission in heart failure patients. After much research I realized how complex and complicated this task would be. Heart failure patients like many chronic illnesses patients deal with many issues such as; co-morbidities, family support, financial resources, polypharmacy, decreased function, and poor quality of life. It is not a one size fits all remedy to this problem. These patients readmit to the hospital because they are tired and afraid. They try to manage their illness by watching their diet and taking their medications but often their heart gives out on them. My project is an education checklist that will be started on admission, but the major change in my project from the beginning stages is that now there is more focus on the assessment of the patient’s education needs. Because heart failure management requires the patient to be involved in their self- care, assessment of their health literacy and understanding of the treatment plan is crucial (Cajita et al., 2016). Research shows that when you adapt the education to the patient’s learning needs it helps them to overcome their difficulties in managing their illness, increases their compliance of treatment and decreases readmission rates (Deniz et al., 2017).Deniz, S., Gezer, D., Sevilay, E. (2017). Assessment of learning needs in patients hospitalized in the general surgery clinic. International Journal of Caring Sciences May– August 2017 Volume 10 | Issue 2| 764Cajita, M. I., Cajita, T. R., & Han, H. R. (2016). Health Literacy and Heart Failure: A Systematic Review. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 31(2), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.1097/JCN.0000000000000229

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