Psychology SUBS Research 3
Research Assignment: Stimulants and DepressantsThread: Thoroughly review the research assignment instructions in the Assignments folder before proceeding. Present your subtopic research in accordance with the following:At least 3 peer-reviewedscholarlyarticles from the JLF Library. Weekly course materials may not be used in this assignment (i.e., textbooks, articles, videos, etc.).At least 3multimediasources from the internet from reputable sources (properly credited and referenced)Use of at least 3Bloom’s Taxonomyskills included, and at least 2 useHOTS.Graduate level writing style (i.e., formal tone, proper grammar, sentence structure, paragraph style and length, and current APA writing format)Current APA format (i.e., citations, references, headings, person tense, writing style, etc.)Please follow the research instructionsSee attached filesInaba, D. S., & Cohen, W. E. (2014). Uppers, downers, all arounders: Physical and mental effects of psychoactive drugs (8th ed.). Medford, OR: CNS Productions, Inc. ISBN: 9780926544390. Chapters 3-4