Psychology Psychology
No PlagiarismInclude full sentencesInclude at least 3-5 paragraphs (introduction, body [at least one], and conclusion)Include reference citations.The ASSIGNMENT is Parts 1 and Part 2Part 1. Search for an informative website on depression. (Look for one that is not a .com; search for one that is a .org, .gov, etc. These are more appropriate as academic sources.) Look to your textbook and other sources for different forms of depression (i.e., PDD, perinatal depression, psychotic depression, bipolar, etc.). Feel free to choose any of these subtypes for your search.Part 2. Write a summary of the site (1-2 paragraphs) and a thoughtful critique (2-3 paragraphs). Include the site address (URL).The purpose of this activity is to have class members collaborate in creating an on-line resource guide. Your summary should include the site address, a brief description of the information available, your thoughtful critique of the value of the information (including credibility, user friendliness, and usefulness), and related links.If you have not yet experienced depression yourself, or in someone you love, the chances are virtually certain that you will. Please print these summaries, so that you will have this resource guide developed by you and your peers.