Psychology Broadening Traditional Views on Intelligence and Intelligence Testing
Step 1: Please watch the following Ted Talk by Robert “Bob” Sternberg, the theorist who conceptualized the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. (Video runs 11:32, opens in new tab)Step 2: Watch the following vignette on Kim Peek, who is a person diagnosed as a savant that demonstrates calendar counting and other rare abilities: (Video runs 7:56, opens in new tab)Step 3: Integrating what you learned from the textbook readings and watching the videos, please thoroughly respond to the following questions, integrating relevant content from the readings.Traditional Intelligence Tests tend to measure logical and analytical reasoning. The field of psychology tends to disagree regarding how intelligence should be defined. With this in mind, compose and present your own thorough and thoughtful definition of intelligence.According to research studies, IQ and other standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, tend to measure logical and analytical reasoning skills. In your opinion, do you feel that we place too much emphasis on these tests to predict success? Explain your opinion based on your readings and how the results of these types of tests are used.Next, please click on the following link and take one of the tests based on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Inventory of Multiple Intelligences (webpage, opens in new tab). Describe your findings regarding your top three intelligences, and explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with the results.
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