Legal Memorandum on Appeals Process, assignment help

Many times a party feels as though the court was wrong, whether through the verdict at trial, or a case being dismissed before trial. When this occurs, a party is able to appeal the case to another court.

The trial of Billy Bob v. Widget World Co. ended in the jury finding for the Defendant, Widget World. Your supervising attorney Suzy Cue, at Alpha & Beta LLC, 432 Brown Ct, Whiteacre, would like to appeal this case. She needs a little information about the appeals process to be able to fully inform the client what he should expect. Please prepare a Legal Memorandum to Suzy, in which you explain with the questions below!

The address for my local appellate:

District IV

10 E. Doty Street, Suite 700
Madison, WI 53703-3397
Phone: (608) 266-9250
Fax: (608) 267-0432


  1. The local appellate court for my hometown, along with its name and address
  2. Any filing fee for appealing a decision of the court below
  3. The deadline for filing an appeal
  4. The requirements for filing an appeal in your local court
  5. The process that will occur after filing a Notice of Appeal
  6. Whether the court has a specific form it prefers to be used for filing an appeal

Then, prepare a Notice of Appeal for Billy Bob’s case and attach it to the memorandum. Suzy has provided a sample Notice for you below.

For assistance with a Legal Memorandum, see the Legal Memorandum PowerPoint presentation below.

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